iPhone SE review: Does size matter?
The landscape of the smartphone market has been quite clear for over two years now, screens have been getting bigger and what was once known as a “phablet” and slightly scoffed at is now the standard size for a flagship device. So you might have raised an eyebrow when reading that Apple’s newest iPhone comes with a 4-inch display – a screen size last used on one of its phones in 2013 – and you’d be forgiven for wondering what the thinking is. It’s a question Apple made a conscious effort to answer when announcing the iPhone SE, explaining that despite the mammoth sales of the over 5-inch iPhone 6 and 6 Plus (followed by the 6s and 6s Plus), the company still sold “over 30 million” 4-inch display iPhones in 2015. (Martyn Landi/PA) Apple says the appeal for smaller devices remains, and it wants to tap into that by offering up the SE as an identical twin of its last 4-inch device, the 5s, but with many of the features in the current generation 6s. So the iPhone SE is aimin...